e-Logistic Services
How to effectively control massive import and export and financial documents? PDF Print
Document Conversion & Management Software (DCMS)
Our DCMS is a software product ideally for office automation solution to digitalize hardcopy documents by scanning, document conversion by optical character recognition (OCR) technology and document management. 

It has an option features to integrate with our Ge-TS application (Government Electronic Trade Declaration) so that it can greatly improve the efficiency of work processing and data accuracy.  There are more features that can be customized especially for your company process. 
Logistics and Procurement Value Added Services PDF Print
GO-Business’ eProcurement solutions have broad appeal because our solutions span across the market sectors and industries. From manufacturers to online retailers, all firms perform some sort of purchasing functions. Firms who have implemented eProcurement systems have been enjoying significant savings, often in the range of millions of dollars.